Deal Or No Deal:

This Game is about picking a briefcase,

As your own, & you go through, Picking which briefcases you want,

& Saying “Deal” or “No Deal” For the bankers offers.

Bieber Tower-Defense:

You keep Justin bieber away from his

Girly fans & have red carpet


Lemonade Stand:

Is a game that you make your own

Lemonade with YOUR recipe &

Try to earn a lot of in 30 days.

Lemonade Stand 2:

It is like “Lemonade Stand”

But you have to have $ For adds of your lemonade stand

& how much glasses you’ll use.

Build A Snowman:

You make a Snowman however

You want, & this game is

Good for the holidays.

Build A Snowman 2:

You Make a crazy snowman,

& you can make it however

You want, like “Build A Snowman”.

Connect Four 1P:

Regular connect four, but

With 1 player,


Connect Four 2P:

Connect four,but

With 2 players,

Both real.


Main Checkers,

Only you play it,


Checkers 2:

Like regular checkers,

But more with

Animated king signs.

Chinese Checkers:

With a weird shaped

Board, but certainly like

Checkers itself.


You have to guess what

The rocks colors are, & read the

Description for more information.

Mastermind 2:

Like Mastermind,

But you have to read

Description too & you drag the pieces.

Rush Hour:

You move certain

Cars coming from ways to keep your

car going straight & to the finish.

Rush Hour 2:

Like rush hour, but

You have to move the vehicles

Out of the yellow cars way.

Like sonic games on

Other systems, but

You use keyboard keys.


Like real life

Mini-golf, other known as

Golf mainly.


Like regular pac-man,

You see on Nintendo


Ms. Pac-man:

Regular Pac-man

With Ms. Pac-man,

Nice for girls.



Knows how to play


Build Your Own Car:


You build your own


Milk & Coffee:

A battle between

Milk, & of course,



You raise your own duck,

& Race for $

To buy things for your duck.

Ducklife 2:

Same thing as Ducklife,

But you have higher things

& more stuff to buy.

Ducklife 3:

You have different types of ducks,

Like what they do most, & they’ll

Turn into it when you win races.

Apple Shooter:

You TRY to

Hit the apple of the

Guys head, & you could score high.

Skull Kid:

You try to kill people on this,

& You could go as high as

10 LEVELS!!!

Save The Bunny:

You try to

“Save the Bunny”,

With tools & mischievous things.

Taxi Rush:

You rush through

For a “Taxi Race”

That doesn’t exist.

Escaping Prison:

You have several

Ways to escape,

But you choose which…