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The World Wide Web is a fun and exciting place. You, as a student, can surf the web to find pictures and information for reports, to ask an expert questions using E-mail, to play games, or just to keep in touch with family and friends. The are endless resources available right at your fingertips through the internet, but with that privilege comes some responsibility. The internet can at times be as dangerous as it is helpful. I have put together a list of things that might help you surf your way through the internet without wiping out on a big bad wave. Hang -10! Later Dudes!

1. Always ask your parents before you go on the internet, even if you have your own computer. Your parents can't protect you if they don't know what you are doing.

2. Never ever give your password out to anyone over the internet, or anywhere for that matter. Your online provider will never ask you for it and no one else needs to know it.

3. Use a fun and creative screen name, don't use your real name. Also, don't give out other personal information like your address, phone number, and stuff like that. No one online needs to know who you really are.

4. Steer clear of chat rooms. While it may be fun, it can be very dangerous because you don't know who you are really chatting with. NEVER give out any personal information during a chat.

5. If anyone ever says mean things or makes you feel uncomfortable online, don't respond to them and log off immediately. Tell your parents as soon as it happens so that they can report it to the online service.

6. Even though someone online may seem friendly and nice, don't ever make plans to meet with them. You don't know who they really are and they could have been pretending.

7. NEVER open an E-mail that is addressed from someone that you do not know. It could contain a virus that could damage your computer.

8. Treat others as you wish to be treated works as well online as it does in life.

9. NEVER share photos or videos of you or your family with people that you meet online.

10. E-mail is not private. Be careful what you say, it could fall into the wrong hands.

11. Always invite a parent to surf with you. The more the merrier. Show them your favorite sites (including this one)! Share with them the things that you have learned about web safety.