Students | Parents | Teachers | Homework | Game Room | Research


Welcome Parents! This web site was created for you, as well as, for your children. I wanted to create a place where you and your children could find homework help, practice skills, research, check grades, and have fun spending time together.

It's important to remember that the internet can be a dangerous place. I have checked every link on this web site for inappropriate material. However, due to the nature of the web, addresses change frequently. ALWAYS monitor your children when they are on line. Make sure you go over the web safety rules with your kids.

You will find many resources just for you, placed on my site. Any information that is located on another web site will open up in a new window. This will allow you to easily get back to my site simply by closing the windows. You can subscribe to my newsletter that will be sent out at least once a term. The newsletter contains information about what is happening at W.I.S., as well as, in our classroom. The calendar will keep you in touch with important dates and times. If you are interested in making a book club or software club order, click on the book order link and you can see any available orders and can even make your purchases right online. If you are in need of information, then the research center is the place for you. There you will find a variety of resources that you can safely and easily research. Each subject area: writing, reading, math, science, and social studies, has a main page and other links to follow. Explore these to see what topics are being covered, find out more about a topic, or to just find up to date information about what your child is learning in class. The games area is a place where you and your children can safely play games of skill, coordination, and wit. It is meant to be a fun area for you to relax.

Don't forget to visit the suggestions page to share your ideas with me. That will help me to make this site the best that it can be. Please check back regularly. I add things to this site almost daily. Thanks for visiting. Have fun!